Advertising on this blog

Last update: April 2020

Are you interested in advertising on your blog?

Mostly not. Please read on.

Note that comments here apply to anything on the domain.

Can I write for your blog?

No. This is a personal blog.

I am not interested in publishing other people’s writing or tips.

Can I get native advertising on your blog?


Can I get in-link ads on your blog?


Can you write about my product?

No. I have too many other things to do to also start being a reviewer. I currently do not have plans to start a review blog or a review YouTube channel.

Can I write about my product?

That would be you writing for my blog, so no.

Can I advertise on your blog?

Please use AdWords to target my blog. If you cannot target my page, please see below for contact details. I might consider banner ads separate from main text.

If AdWords targeting is not right for you, and your ad is interesting, we may be able to work out a deal. Mention the category of the product, the product you’d like to advertise and make an offer. Requests will be rejected on an arbitrary basis.

This is not a commercial blog. It’s up there because I am fine sharing some notes with others.

What’s your audience like?

I don’t know. I don’t analyze it. It’s small.

How often do you write?

Very rarely.

What topics do you write about?

Random things I stumble upon, and that I might need to reference myself. Generally IT stuff.

If people find it doing a web search, great!

You had more and different text here?

Yes, I did. Presentation changed, situation didn’t.

I still want to contact you

Use or this form below.

To reiterate: if you are trying to advertise without AdWords, mention the category of the product, the product you’d like to advertise and make an offer. Requests will be rejected on an arbitrary basis.

As mentioned on the about page:

  • Please do not contact me with SEO offers.
  • I am not a business; please do not send me offers to import things from your country.

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