Tag Archives: games

Anno 1404 crashing when clicking on Quickstart

Regional Settings on Windows 10

Regional Settings on Windows 10. Making the countries match fixes Anno 1404.

I finally found the solution to the issue on the GOG.com forums. Nothing obvious like setting admin privileges helped.

No, it’s more insidious.

Apparently when you go to regional settings, both the “Country or Region” and the “Regional Format” values must match the country.

I’ve had these set to “Ireland” + “English (Europe)”. Before this, I likely had it set to “Ireland” + “Croatian (Croatia)”.

Changing the values to “Ireland” + “English (Ireland)” resolved the issue.

I can finally play the game years after buying it. This was done on Windows 10 1903 (build 18362.10012).

Upotreba Objective-C u igrama; moje mišljenje

A short Croatian language opinion post on use of Objective-C in games

Dobio sam nedavno pitanje o tome da li se isplati učiti Objective-C (u kontekstu igara).

Moje je mišljenje da Objective-C ima deset puta logičniju internu strukturu nego C++, te da je svojom kombinacijom karakteristika dinamičnih i statičnih jezika izuzetno pogodan za pisanje igara. Primjerice, evo stvaranje kapitalnog svemirskog broda koristeći string, i spremanje istog u SvemirskiBrod:
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Jesse Schell: Design Out Of The Box (DICE 2010)

Is your life just one big RPG? Find out in a mind blowing presentation by Jesse Schell. I’m very impressed by the fantastic and scary vision of the future.


Source: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/702668/DICE-2010-Video-Design-Outside-The-Box.html

Легенда Хрустальной долины in Russian!

A shipment of CDs with Russian edition of The Legend of Crystal Valley has just arrived in Cateia! LoCV is published by Akella, and that’s so awesome.

Akella’s site about LoCV is here.

Now, if only they didn’t put outdated screenies on the cover … 😉