Debian: Method rred has died unexpectedly!

Getting this error in Debian when running apt-get update?

E: Method rred has died unexpectedly! 
E: Sub-process rred received a segmentation fault.

Update like this:

apt-get update -o Acquire::PDiffs=false

Have fun!


2 thoughts on “Debian: Method rred has died unexpectedly!

  1. Sekta

    Pz yo tenia el mismo problema con mi iphone 3g con version 2.2.1, y empezo x konektarlo kon mi pc x medio de ssh pero encontré la solucion:

    Primero descargate este archivo:

    Lo metes via ssh en la carpeta: /root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall/ esto es para que vuelva a instalar al abrir el cydia, acuerdate de ponerle permisos a la carpeta 0755, resetea el iphone y a disfrutar!!!

    Ojala te pueda ayudar aunke este post es del año pasado xDD.


  2. Ivan Vučica

    Regarding Sekta's comment:

    It speaks of having same problem with Cydia on iPhone (which also uses .deb for packages). It contains a potentially unsafe link for fixing the problem. I recommend caution.

    I don't like posts being made in languages I don't understand natively, but since it's related I decided to approve the comment. You can translate via

    Again, the link is unchecked and I don't guarantee for its safety.


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