Unibody Macbook 2009 – NVIDIA 9400m support for PhysX

Since 9400m has 16 CUDA cores, newer releases of PhysX system software do not support hardware acceleration on it. In newer releases, NVIDIA demands 256MB of memory on the GPU and 32 CUDA cores. 

But if you need it for development, testing or just for trying how it works and proving to yourself you can do it… grab old drivers from NVIDIA to get PhysX running on your machine. I’ve tried 9.09.0408.
Beware, NVIDIA’s Fluid Demo is still abysmally slow so I’m not sure if there’s any point. (Although I suspect this has more to do with it rendering 60000 particles than with anything else.)
You’ll need to manually uninstall the PhysX drivers that ship with your GPU drivers. If you don’t see them in Add/Remove Programs, then install the latest version of PhysX drivers (not your GPU drivers) and then uninstall.

via blog.vucica.net

2 thoughts on “Unibody Macbook 2009 – NVIDIA 9400m support for PhysX

  1. budalastina


    Ima samo posljednje pitanje za tebe. Obecavam necute onda dugo gnjaviti :). Prije je postojao jedan program koji je otvarao slike na tibiji pa se se mogle slicice mijenjati. Naprimjer nesvidja mi se neka grafika od "Armor" ja otvorim taj programcic, on izbaci sve slike, ja zamijenim i u igri bude ta nova grafika oklopa. Dali postoji sta tako da se uradi sad? Vidim da mnogi pitaju za to, a niko nezna.. A stari programcic neradi. Vjerovatno poljaci znaju, al ti skuzi poljski sad hehe… Znas li kako bi se taj problemmogao srediti?

  2. Ivan Vučica

    Postojali su razni sprite editori. Poceo sam raditi sprtool al nikad napravio do kraja. Samo te Molim da ne offtopicash na nevezanim postovima, mail za kontakt je napisan gore desno 🙂


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