Why software isn't free

TUAW has a nice post talking about why software is not free, and in fact linking to this simple list of why it is so. TUAW is also worried about iOS lowering software prices.

As a user, I like that. As a developer, I don’t. By buying software, you’re not losing money, you’re helping honest people keep doing what they do. Don’t look at software (especially games!) and think: “Why the hell does this app cost $0.99? It sucks!” $0.99 is cheap. $4.99 is cheap! You’re paying more for stuff you consume daily and which take very little time to produce. How about paying $0.99 for that game that probably took a few months to create?

via blog.vucica.net

3 thoughts on “Why software isn't free

  1. Ricardo Correia

    In the Old days i don´t give a damn about paying for games i just downloaded them but now that i make apps and games i see the thing in a new and total perspective 0.99 or 4.99 is super cheap, that´s nothing compared to the Creative Suites live Adobe Photoshop or 3d modelling software to not talk even more expensive softwares that take years to develop.

    Btw nice blog 🙂

    1. Ivan Vučica Post author

      Yup! People don't understand how long a simple game can take to develop. Harsh competition means even those that manage to reach audience are risking everything if their prices are low.

      3D Studio Max, Photoshop, et cetera are, on the other hand, overpriced. Having little competition (or a significant competitive advantage, such as unique UI) and a large mindset can do wonders for inflated pricing and corporate wallets. Issue is that people complain about hyper-low prices.

      And thanks for the nice words — I hope you'll stick around 🙂

  2. Ricardo Correia

    Yes you´re right overpriced is the right word for that type of applications.
    I think in the world we live in all people want everything for free, but they forget that no one can live working for free!!!!!!
    You´re welcome yes i will stick around 🙂


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