Starting the default launcher using adb

If you’re stuck with a custom launcher (e.g. OUYA’s) and want to get back to the stock launcher, first connect with adb:

adb connect
adb shell

Then, in the shell, punch in the following

am start -c android.intent.category.HOME -a android.intent.action.MAIN

This will dispatch an intent filtered by category android.intent.category.HOME and action android.intent.action.MAIN. You should also be able to dispatch an explicit intent, passing the full package and class name:

am start -n

Sadly, this didn’t work on AndroVM’s 4.1.x; perhaps the launcher’s name is different. Not that I care particularly 😉


2 thoughts on “Starting the default launcher using adb

    1. Ivan Vučica Post author

      Nah, I'm not on Android. I have an emulator that tends to be actually usable — as in, it runs in VirtualBox and can stream screen content (including OpenGL) over network to its player, resulting in quite a speedy experience. AndroVM, if you're interested. 🙂


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