Mails appearing from d1stkfactory

If you have a Debian machine and emails appear to be coming from hostname @d1stkfactory, edit /etc/mailname and set this to your actual FQDN. Another instance where I found it locally is in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf, which is almost certainly not read by my installation of Postfix (which does explicitly refer to /etc/mailname in one place).

This appeared on a machine running on DigitalOcean, so I presume “d” refers to DigitalOcean, and “factory” refers to their internal disk image building service. That’s just speculation though.


One thought on “Mails appearing from d1stkfactory

  1. Splitice

    Thank you this had me stumped for a while. Suprised DO's imaging system cant just take the hostname and insert it post image – its pretty good in most other areas (ssh keys, passwords, networking).


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