Category Archives: programming

Upotreba Objective-C u igrama; moje mišljenje

A short Croatian language opinion post on use of Objective-C in games

Dobio sam nedavno pitanje o tome da li se isplati učiti Objective-C (u kontekstu igara).

Moje je mišljenje da Objective-C ima deset puta logičniju internu strukturu nego C++, te da je svojom kombinacijom karakteristika dinamičnih i statičnih jezika izuzetno pogodan za pisanje igara. Primjerice, evo stvaranje kapitalnog svemirskog broda koristeći string, i spremanje istog u SvemirskiBrod:
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License for your next free software/open source project

You’re a budding developer. You’re writing a program. FSF has its lengthy explanations about many licenses, as does OSI. Yet, you want a short and concise answer.

Here’s an overview of some of the licenses I consider for my projects, their major differences, and why I pick each of them. I’ll also describe how to apply them.

Note: I Am Not A Lawyer, and applying these is at your own risk. Don’t apply them blindly, and talk to your employer; you might not be able to decide licensing for your own work. Also, don’t use these notes as info on what you may or may not do with code you know to be GPL’d, LGPL’d or BSD-licensed.  Read the licenses themselves; these are notes indended only to help in quick decision, not to explain the licenses in great detail.

This is also largely done from memory, without doing proper research right now; it should be pretty correct, though.

Corrections and questions? Put them in the comments section, please 🙂
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A simple validator for Mac App Store submissions

I figured out I had to have an automated check prior to Mac App Store submission because I managed to miss some stuff a few times.

So here’s a beginning of a simple unofficial test suite for Mac App Store submissions: CheckRelease on BitBucket

It currently checks only if you have some external dependencies. I’ll try to write a validation for checking if you have added all the frameworks you depend on into the app, and I hope to extend it with some additional tests.

It’s under BSD license, and contributions are very welcome!

Also, hopefully, Apple will extend their own validator built into Application Loader and Xcode. Currently we have to wait a few days for rejections from the App Store team that are as trivial as “forgot to put in a framework” and “forgot to get rid of an external dependency” (or, at least, a reference to an external dependency that you actually don’t depend on, and that you never actually use).

Why software isn't free

TUAW has a nice post talking about why software is not free, and in fact linking to this simple list of why it is so. TUAW is also worried about iOS lowering software prices.

As a user, I like that. As a developer, I don’t. By buying software, you’re not losing money, you’re helping honest people keep doing what they do. Don’t look at software (especially games!) and think: “Why the hell does this app cost $0.99? It sucks!” $0.99 is cheap. $4.99 is cheap! You’re paying more for stuff you consume daily and which take very little time to produce. How about paying $0.99 for that game that probably took a few months to create?