Half Life 2: "Failed to load the launcher DLL"

All of a sudden, without touching anything (in fact, without booting Windows during last few days) I got this upon trying to launch Half Life 2:

Failed to load the launcher DLL: 

The specified procedure could not be found. 

Verifying files did not help me. The solution (for me)? I went to:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\ivucica\half-life 2\bin

and I moved all the .dll files away. Then I relaunched the game. Steam happily recreated all .dlls, and the game now works. I safely removed old copies of the DLLs.

Since I didn’t think of making a screenshot, image from http://www.hl2world.com/bbs/-vp666240.html

via blog.vucica.net

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