Time for FOSDEM 2019

Previously I thought I would not head to Brussels this year, but it turned out I will. Let me know if you’d like to meet. I’m not sure if I’ll go to the beer event.

This year I hope to meet up with people interested in fediverse-related interop. Here’s a meetup thread.

I’ve also created an XMPP chatroom for meeting fediverse folks, in case realtime chat is needed; see xmpp:fediverse@muc.badc0de.net?join1. There’s a small web UI at https://badc0de.net/fosdem/2019/fediverse/2 and an IRC frontend3 at irc://irc.badc0de.net:6667/#fediverse; please join #fediverse manually. No guarantees about reliability of the XMPP server, of the HTTP proxy4, of the web UI, or of the IRC frontend. 🙂

On a related note, it’s disappointing that there’s a social fragmentation between Matrix, fediverse and XMPP, but eh. It would have been nice if ActivityPub was (like OStatus protocol suite before it) based around XML and Atom; it would have made pushing for supplanting the under-utilized XEP-0277 and its urn:xmpp:microblogging:0 with something that had a model of favoriting and commenting similar to fediverse.

Alas, to be useful now would probably require imagining ActivityPub 2.0’s model and vocabulary over XML, and use Atom for posts and activities. shrug

  1. This is running Prosody
  2. This is using Converse.js
  3. This is running the ultra-tiny MUC2IRC, written in Objective-C using ObjFW
  4. This is the Punjab BOSH connection manager running behind Haproxy running behind nginx running in a Mesos cluster managed by Marathon. 🙂 

via blog.vucica.net

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